Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Bad Business is Short Sighted

Call Center Outsouring in the United States

I'm in the process of getting screwed by my partner!

In the end it will all be worked out but I can assure you they will be out of business. Do you know why? Because what goes around comes around. They enter into relationships in good faith but over time they nickle and dime.

This behavior is reprehensable. What are they thinking? That is no way to grow a business and in the long run, nobody will want to do business with them.

Are you wondering what I am talking about?

Ok I wil start at the beginning.

Back in 2003 I entered into an agreement with a call center outsourcing company. We formed a joint venture and decided to join forces.

My responsibilities focused on bringing in a client or two. They would support this business by providing the call center facilities, people and technology.

And for my efforts I would receive 50% of the net. The net would be determined after all expenses, which would include a management fee that would be charged by them against the company revenue. Ultimately reducing my payout.

This fee is heafty and is based on an hourly rate. Well that is a whole other story that I will get into at a later time. They run their operation so inefficiently - they keep coming back to me wanting to increase this hourly amount all while reducing the amount of support provided to my client.

So bottomline - the business has grown but I make less money today than I did a year ago. They are idiots!

Better yet they are thieves. You should see them in action. They know nothing about Inbound call handling. Yet they push away anybody that has more knowledge than them. Most organizations are happy to have this talent in their organization. Not them. They are threatened by it.

They play games to piss the good people off. Honestly, I am amazed that they lasted this long...wait you know what, no I am not. They just haven't burned all the people in this industry yet. But what they do, like leaches, is live off the solid relationship others have. Then after awhile they try to screw you.

Ok - I am tired about being so negative but I want you to know that all of this is related to the post that stopped back in June. I will show you how this all relates. In the meantime - finding another job, an new career would be great.

Anybody have any interviewing tips? :-D

Be good!

It's Been Awhile Since I last posted

Hello All!

Ok, I'm sorry we haven't been back to this site to post in awhile. Call Center Operations and Management is my passion, but I have been working pretty heavily on several key updates to some of my sites:

Before I get into some juicy new updates regarding the company that I have been working with I want to direct your attention to some great article directories that I have created. These directories are free to visit and read. I have over 800 articles posted that are all geared to call center, leadership and management.

Here are the links:

Ok, I briefly mentioned the new direction I am taking this blog. Don't worry it will still focus on call centers but I am going to share with inside information when dealing with a US based outsourcing company and all the crazy stuff that goes on.

At times you will pity me and other times you will laugh but I can assure you that there will be plenty of entertainment. This is the same group that was written about in all the post down below.

You be amazed to find out that they are still in business. Although it appears that they are having major cash-flow issues. I won't disclose their name but I will give you a pretty good description of them and all of their tactics.

After reading these post you wonder why I haven't updated my resume and gone on some interviews. It is definately time to get a new career!

ok,it's late. I will be back on tomorrow to start the posting! Come back you'll be glad you did.

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