Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Clients Onsite, its "Audit Time"

Early lessons...

First of all, in such a small site, even the smallest amount of drama has a "magnifying effect". The momentum of the business eventually drowns equivalent drama in a larger site, out.

It's like an echo effect. Take one person and place them in a large, spacious warehouse. That one persons voice can reverberate, off the floors, walls, ceilings, and have a more significant, dis-proportionate impact on the environment than it does in reality.

Take that same warehouse, fill it up with hundreds of people, and the addition of people will act as a buffer and no one voice, can be heard above the others.

Secondly, this is now the second accusation regarding inappropriate relationships, and favoritism with Human Resources. The "Releaser" was gone, HR denied the allegations, and my sup (the protector) cofirmed his knowledge was only hearsay on the relationship.
I took the opportunity to again clarify his role as a leader, re-iterate expectations, and point out that this situation should not be occurring because the rep should have been termed months ago.

For the time being, the above issue dies down...

The pre-audit's now over, and the client arrives... This client's audit process involved monitoring, auditing employee files, and employee focus groups. I viewed it as a real strategic advantage having an audit so close to my arrival. What better way to show improvement than to be measured by the client as a way to establish a baseline performance level, and then to have them come back 3 months later for a follow up. This was a perfect before and after opportunity...

Since I was new, there were two things I accomplished religiously. I went to employees in the morning, greeted him or her by name, and touched each of them on the shoulder. Every day, before I left, I thanked them for coming in, and again touched them on the shoulder. I learned their names quickly, and they learned that I cared.

There are two reps who's performance caused me to quickly notice them during my rounds. They were both tenured, possessed excellent service skills, and their sales performance was off the charts. It turns out that they were an item, and had two children together; a six-year-old daughter, and a four-year-old son. These guys were rock solid, and I was glad they were on the team.

What I did not know, and would learn until months later, was this guy had done hard time as a convicted felon, and possessed an uncontrollable temper, and was highly possessive of his significant other... Now looking back, this guys face was hard, and deeply scared with slashes through his eyebrow's and across his face... They could have been from a childhood accident, but it was easier to imagine their origin was much more sinister...

Ok, now let me set the stage...

The clients in the building, "Bonnie and Clyde" are taking calls, and a new-hire class was doing some monitoring. At the conclusion of the session, a new-hire walks across the floor towards the couple, extends his hand towards "Bonnie" and touches her on the shoulder. His remark, "Nice job on that call, your really good."
Clyde, at first, just watches...