and the audit continues...
As the audit continues, the auditors pull the former SD (Site Director)and myself together to ask about site operating procedures. I was not there no to contribute to the questioning, but to be introduced to the client and the overall process. The former director began to metaphorically draw a picture of a site with excellent communication, planning, and an ability to get things done...
This guy was out of his mind... This was the first time in my career that I observed a Sr Level person so directly lie to the client jeopardizing the entire piece of business. What was worse was that the lies could be validated by simply inspecting the process or asking him to prove it. As the interviews continued with the other staff, I participated in (observed) several of them. I was amazed... Everyone, for the most part, told the same stream of lies.. They were all specific, hit the same points, and each story fit together like the pieces of a puzzle..
My thoughts at the time and I quote, "Un-believable".
The level of corruption was more organized that what I had thought, realized, or could even believe was possible. It's seems like everyone was doing the wrong thing, and that was how they liked it.
but there were some good guys...