Call Center Games - Update
Hello Again,
I hope everybody had a great weekend!
The call center environment can be a tough arena to keep your employees motivated. The fact is the job they have is not that easy. When I was a rep I remember spending my entire day trying to get promoted and get off the phones.
Challenges like this for the supervisor makes it a difficult task to keep their entire team happy, motivated and achieving their goals.
The Team at put together a program called...Call Center Games. I recommend you take a look at it (Learn More.) It has over 105 productivity templates designed to promote healthy competition on your team.
The ultimate goal is to create the buzz of excitement and achievement in your bays. Call Center Games does just that by providing you with contents and games, the supplies you need to run them and a feedback form for your employees to fill out.
I used these games to create a positive and fun environment in my center and had amazing results! You have to remember this....A Happy Employee is a Productive Employee!
I just added two great new bonuses if you decide to download it today. Check it out!