The Set Up...
The “Litigator” would continually ask me when I was going to fire HR. He let me know that in his own expert opinion, investigations do not take this long, and that I should have all ready gathered the facts and make a decision.
If you remember, HR had her car vandalized. Her tires were slashed, and “descriptives” were carved into the black paint on her vehicle. When she told the police that it was the Litigator, they paid him a visit. This actually played into his hands remarkably well.
Think of it like this. On a Friday, he brings up a serious concern to the director that the HR manager was harassing him with unwanted sexual advances. His refusal of her advances resulted in her creating a hostile and threatening work environment for him. After he notifies management of his concern (me), HR then extended her reach by now harassing him outside of work, as well as at work, and using the city police has as leverage.
This guy was deceptive enough that I think he set the entire issue up. I think he talked to me, decided to vandalize her car that night, and then called HR’s cell phone the next morning knowing that she would call the cop’s. It was a very nice set up on his part.
Nonetheless, even though I thought most of his story was unconfirmed BS, it was a catalyst for discovery regarding HR’s actual effectiveness as a leader within the organization.
My next interaction with the Litigator was a day or two later. He was once again setting the stage for more possible litigation. He said that the foam ear protector’s on the headsets had given him an ear infection, and that he had seen the doctor and alluded that something needed to be done about these dirty, unsanitary conditions.
I went and found him some brand new foam earpieces, but it became clear that he was after a check, one way or another.