T-Money's First Day
After my team interviewed T-Money, we all came together to debrief. They felt he was a strong, solid candidate and would be a good fit into the team. I hesitated pulling the trigger on this move pondering my decision. It wasn’t that he wasn’t the best I interviewed, because he was. It was more along the lines of should I re-post to be sure I had the right guy.
The wrong move now, would further erode the sites stability. (If you’re a call center grit follower, you’ve come to realize that’s my favorite line.)
T-Money’s first day…
To save some keystrokes, I will refer to T-Money as just T going forward. T came in on his first day and all I wanted was for him to meet and greet the people, and begin to build relationships, and have some fun with driving some intra-day sales urgency. In short, I wanted him to focus on the people, and not on the product.
I knew that his immediate success or failure was not going to be whether he knew the product. I am a strong believer in product knowledge, but this was day one of week one. I had him booked to start in the next training class, but now I wanted to see what he brought to the table in terms of raw talent.
His style was militant, and highly structured, with a splash of fun. His first move was to name the different bay’s based off Monopoly Board Games. We now had our own Board Walk, Park Place, etc… With some markers and cardboard, each row now had an identity.
On the militant side, he posted no less than 4 signs displaying different standards, expectations, and consequences. T liked his signs, and loved the opportunity to use a little PowerPoint to convey a message.
The floor was cautious at first…