Gumbi's Rant Continues...
After he left, it was probably after 9:00 PM, and I desperately wanted to get home to my family. I needed to confess that I had depleted my emergency slush fund, and that I now had an extra woman “in my head”. I felt an over-whelming need to share with my family the pain that I had inflected on my poor, defenseless employees with my cruel sadistic leadership style. I had to share that an adversary that was cunning, had a masterful command of his rights, and was from a long lineage of successful lawyers challenged me to a duel of process.
Whatever Gumbi…
We (my family) did have a good laugh. Despite the obvious humor around this situation there were some very specific incidents / accusations that I had to deal with. I knew that if his facts were confirmed around HR, that we (HR and Myself) would no longer be able to do business. Her days could very well be numbered, and I think her number was just called.
HR’s real value came in the form of sole ownership of payroll, and the maintenance of our insurance licensing process. This was a very complicated process, which involved the simultaneous monitoring of 10+ insurance agents who were each licensed in 40+ states on intervals that resulted in an inconsistent order of renewals and licensing requirements. Know on else knew this process or was every trained on it. HR was the sole owner and was the keeper of the keys.
This was my largest concern in having to remove HR…. Not her as a person, because if you’ve got to go, then you’ve go to go, but rather her knowledge.
I thought I would have at least until Monday to build a plan for address the issue… Once again, by timetables were accelerated and the next morning (Saturday) I was forced to tell HR about the accusations against her.