Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I've Been Away But Now I am Back With Call Center Stories!

Hello my fellow call center friends!

My apologies!

I have completely neglected my blog over the past couple of months. I was actually offshore doing some consultant work but now that gig is over and I am back in the saddle again.

I have a lot of new call center stories and information that I want to share with you. So I am going to try to update this blog three times a day. Hopefully I can keep up.

You may want to add this into your news reader. The link is:

Just copy and past into your favorite news reader. Or you can simply come by when you have a break in your day.

I have some really exciting news about Collaborative Leadership and Employee Inclusion. Have you heard of these terms before? Well you'll love this process to lead your teams. I will share more information in upcoming blogs, but I can tell you this.

This system is out of this world. It never fails. If you follow it you truly understand the meaning of working smarter not harder. You'll get better results from your employees and you'll do it with actually doing less work.

Talk to you very shortly!


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