Monday, April 25, 2005

The "Final" Crack Tale for now...

The "Final" Crack Tale for now...

Saturday's are short work days for us with the site opening at 8:00AM and closing around 1:00 PM. The day started out the way all the other Saturday's do, but this one was different. This one, was going to be.... special! While checking attendance, my sup realized that one of my weekend crack-head "transformers" didn't show up and She was scheduled to open at 8:00am.

Struggling Service Level...

Saturday's are mission critical for SL, and with staffing light already; we approach the weekend with an all hands on deck approach. When an employee doesn't show, set in motion our contingency plan, which requires us to try and reach the associate. We initiated a call to her, and made contact. She stated she didn't have a ride. With it still being early, and since she lived less than 10 minutes from the site, her friend left to go pick her up.

The Crack Head arrives...

She arrived around 9:45. Upon her arrival, she mentioned to my "male" supervisor that she needed to purchase some feminine hygiene products and needed his car. Word of advice, if a crack-headed asks for your care, just say no!

FHP- Feminine Hygiene Products..

Hearing those words: feminine hygiene products; my supervisor’s common sense dissipated like dust in the wind. Just to add a little salt to the wound, there was a 5000 square foot convenience store in the same parking lot as my site, which I’m sure sold exactly what she was looking for.

One would think that would at least surface as an option, before handing over your car, but alas, his wit’s had completely vacated by this point.

I dropped by the site around 10:30, to find a visible distressed supervisor. He recapped the story, and stated that she had not returned. I couldn’t believe that story he was telling me.

I left shortly after, and received a call from him around noon. She still had not yet returned with his car, and the site closes in 1 hour. He asked me that if she didn't come back, could I give him a ride home. I agreed, and around 1:30, I saw his name flash on my caller ID.

The search begins...

I went and picked him up, questioned his decision-making capacity, and then primarily laughed at the situation. He wasn't amused. I drove him around looking for his car. Our search area was determined by asking ourselves, if we wanted some crack, where would we go...

I can honestly say that was one question I never thought I would be asking myself.

We cruised the downtown area, and circled her apartment a few times. I then took him to the police station to report the car stolen. His hope for help only turned into more frustration. Since he gave her the keys, he couldn't report the car stolen. The cops took down the tag, and agreed to stop the car, but no formal charges could be filed because no law was broken.

To no avail...

Uneventful, and full of despair, I dropped him off at his house. I was not quite ready to give up the search quite yet so I took a less than straight route on my drive home. I was scanning every car, every parking lot, and every ally looking for signs of the crime.

To my absolute disbelief, I see the car, the crack head, and both just drove right past me.