Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Job Seekers

By spending time on this site you learn new ideas, tips and techniques for landing the perfect job for the amount of money you desire.

ResumeRedesign.com You have literally 100's of resources at your figure tips. I urge you to spend time reviewing all the different links and tools found on each page. Informative articles are being added all the time. So, bookmark this site for future reference.


If you want to make more money in a job you love then you owe it to yourself to check out these great resources:

47 Keys to Goal Setting

Killer Cover Letters

Resume and Cover Secrets Revealed

ok this one is kind of off the path but I purchased it about 4 weeks ago now and have been experiementing with it and I have made some pretty good money....I want to share it with you.

Google Profits - Really cool system
