Interrogations Continued
He began to talk about the site, and the staff, but he really targeted my human resource manager. This was my young quick witted, A player that I had liked from the first time I met her.
He went on saying that she had a problem with favoritism, and having in-appropriate relationships (sex) with reps and supervisors on the call floor, and that she was using her power to alter the demographic of the site, by bringing in young, athletic men that met her "criteria".
Initially, I was very skeptical of what he was telling me. This guys allegations were strong, and he sounded more like a disgruntled worker who was going to burn the ship down on his way out. My inability to respect this guy did not help his believability. However, for a non-tech support environment, I did notice there was a disproportionate number of young men, to women in a primarily CS/Retention environment.
Was this the actual demographic of the area, or was the "demographic" of the site was being influenced by one person. The first seemed more believable at the time.
I took his feedback, and pocketed it for a latter time. I really felt that I was out of $6.50 for his meal, and that our meeting had been a total waste of time.
Back at the site, I continued this one-on-one format with all my team.
My next shocking moment that came out of this process was that a supervisor was very directly telling me that he was protecting his friends from termination by going into employee files and removing company documentation and write ups. Despite my calm demeanor, my mind was exploding. Is this guy crazy, nuts... Who goes into a file and steals documentation, and who would tell their new boss it...
I asked him why he was sharing this with me. He said that he wanted a clean slate with me, and wanted to be directly honest. I appreciated the honesty, and then I very directly stated the expectation that any continuation of behavior like this, would result in our in-ability to be able to do business with each other.
Little did I know the events that started with the "protection" of one of these employees months before had already set the stage for for a crisis between, the client, account management, human resources, the state government, and of course myself.
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